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Computers & Information Technology

Technology is a vital part of the modern workplace. °Ä²Ê¿ª½±Íø offers technology coursework for everyone whether you are just being introduced to computers to those who work in Computer Science or Information Technology. We offer entry-level Instructor-Led courses for those who are just learning to use a computer, as well as Certification Prep for people already at work in the field. 



°Ä²Ê¿ª½±Íø provides onsite, in-person, basic computer classes to help introduce you to the computer and basic computer applications. Our instructor-led courses include classes email workforce@jeffco.edu to register for one of these courses. 

  • Beginning computers
  • Social Media Basics
  • Excel Beginning and Intermediate classes
  • Beginning QuickBooks
  • Keyboarding


These courses provide instruction for individuals working in the field of computer science or interested in entering the field. Learn to design webpages, programming languages, and app development. 

  • Introduction to 
  • Other from ed2go


  • Additional from ed2go


  • Other from ProTrain 

IMPORTANT NOTE: When enrolling in any of our online courses, please call the Continuing Education Office at (636) 481-3144 to confirm enrollment for proper course credits.

2060 - STL - °Ä²Ê¿ª½±Íø - Open House - 5600 - APR 2060 - STL - °Ä²Ê¿ª½±Íø - Showcase - 5600 - APR